Journal de Changement
Check out the "Update 1.20" Update
New music tracks by Aaron Cherof have been added (You can activate them with the "/playsound" command)
Added a new music disc (When put in a Jukebox, Relic by Aaron Cherof is played)
Added 2 Advancements
New Panorama on the home screen!
Improvements and Fixes
[Improvement] The model of "Calibrated Sculk Sensor" has been changed
[Improvement] The mining particles for "Calibrated Sculk Sensor" has been changed
[Fix] The version number was not updated
New Plant "Pitcher Pod" added !
Added "Calibrated Sculk Sensor"
Added "Suspicious Gravel"
Added all "Smithing Template" variants
Improvements and Fixes
[Improvement] Texture of "Dune Armor Trim" has been updated
[Fix] The "Pitcher Pod" will stay in the areas when a block was broken under it
[Fix] The Sculk does not produce any sound
You can now use the "Torchflower" in the crafting table to convert it into "Orange Dye".
The "Torchflower" can now be used to make a "Suspicious Stew".
Improvements and Fixes
[Improvement] The texture of the block and item of the "Cherry Door" has been updated
[Improvement] The textures of "Cherry Sapling" and "Pink Petals" have been updated
[Improvement] The recipe for "Brush" now uses a Feather, Copper Ingot and Stick in a vertical line.
[Improvement] Updated the neck of the "Decorated Pot" model.
[Improvement] Textures for "Cherry Leaves" and "Cherry Sign" have been updated.
Cherry Tree Boat added
Crafts for Cherry Blocks have been added
Added Pink Petals
Added Brush (Archaeology)
Added Suspicious Sand (Archaeology)
Added Decorated Pot (Archaeology)
Added Torchflower
Added all Pottery Shard (Archaeology)
Improvements and Fixes
[Improvement] Improvement of the Cherry Trees (Structure)
[Improvement] Reorganization of the inventory
[Fix] Cherry Trees could not be crossed
[Fix] Bone powder decrease when used in Creative
[Fix] Raft was storable above 1
Forge version updated to 43.2.0
New language added: French (fr_fr)
Smithing Template (Coast Armor Trim) item added with Armor and Crafts
Added the new "Cherry" wood variants
Improvements and Fixes
[Improvement] Update of the Mod Credits
[Fixed] The path of the Location was not correct
Improvements and Fixes
Fix] Bamboo barriers don't connect...
Added Craft for the Chiseled Bookshelf
When an item is placed in the Chiseled Bookshelf it will make a sound
New Interface Texture for the Chiseled Bookshelf!
Improvements and Fixes
Improvement] The mining particles of the Chiseled Bookshelf have been changed
You can now make a "Bamboo Hanging Sign" with Bamboo Bark Blocks
Tag : Added "#bamboo_blocks" block and item tags : "bamboo_block" and "stripped_bamboo_block"
Tag : Added "bookshelf_books" item tags : Contains book, written book and enchanted book
Tag : Added "hanging_signs" item tags : Contains all hanging sign items
Improvements and Corrections
[Improvement] "Block of Bamboo" and "Block of Stripped Bamboo" Modification of their top textures
[Improvement] "Bamboo Planks" Modification of its texture to match the same tile pattern as the other plank variants
[Improvement] "Block of Bamboo" strength and hardness readjustment
The Bamboo Block and the Stripped Bamboo Block have been added (With Craft)
You can bark the Bamboo Block as a Log!
You can now craft all "Hanging Sign" blocks
Updated the texture of the following items: "Bamboo Raft" and "Bamboo Raft with Chest
Improvements and Fixes
[Improvement] New model for Hanging Signs
[Improved] Improved crafting for the "Bamboo Raft".
[Fix] Hanging Signs all had a Texture problem
[Fix] Fix the transparent parts of the following blocks: Bamboo Door and Bamboo Hatch
New - Added the 3 Command Block Variants in the creative inventory! - Added the "Debug Stick" in the creative inventory - Added "Barrier" and "Structure Void" to the creative inventory - Added "Structure Block" to the creative inventory - Added the "Light Block" in the creative inventory
Improvements and Fixes - [Improvement] The White Bear's Egg has been updated - [Fix] Fixed some bug concerning the Command Block
- Added the Raft - Added spawn eggs for the Ender Dragon, Iron Golem, Snow Golem and Wither. - Ender Dragon and Wither spawn eggs will only be available via commands - The Bamboo Mosaic block can be used as fuel now - The following blocks are now craftable: Bamboo Mosaic Slab, Bamboo Mosaic Stairs - Added the following item tag "fence_gates": acacia_fence_gate, birch_fence_gate, dark_oak_fence_gate, jungle_fence_gate, oak_fence_gate, spruce_fence_gate, crimson_fence_gate, warped_fence_gate, and mangrove_fence_gate - Reorganization of items in the creative tab "Trick Update 1.20
Improvements and Fixes
- [Improvement] Reorganization of items in the creative tab "Trick Update 1.20 - [Improvement] Improvement of some texture - [Fix] Fixed 10 bugs
Mod name changed: Update 1.20 -> Trick Update 1.20
The new Sound Effects for Bamboo are here!
Added a new Creative Tab with all the new features of 1.20!
Added a new Bamboo Mosaic Staircase
Added a new Bamboo Mosaic Slab
Improvements and Fixes
Improved] You can now break all bamboo block variants with a wooden axe or higher (This will speed up the mining speed)
Improved] New Bamboo Door texture in the inventory!
Improved] Changed the strength and hardness of the following blocks: Bamboo Door, Bamboo Knob, Bamboo Barrier, Bamboo Gate, Bamboo Board, Bamboo Mosaic, Bamboo Pressure Plate, Bamboo Slab, Bamboo Stair, Bamboo Hatch and Chiseled Bookshelf
[Fix] The "Chiseled Bookshelf" block had a Y rotation
[Fix] Bamboo Door had transparency issues
[Fix] Bamboo Hatch had transparency problems
Blocks :
Bamboo Planks
Bamboo Mosaic
Bamboo Slab
Bamboo Stair
Bamboo Fence
Bamboo Fence Gate
Bamboo Pressure Plate
Bamboo Button
Bamboo Door
Bamboo Trapdoor
Chiseled Bookshelf
Hanging Sign (Not Functional)
Last updated
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